
Saturday 22nd March - Confessions 4.15pm to 4.50pm , 5pm Mass
Sunday 23rd March - 9.15am Family Mass, 11.15am (this Family Mass celebration will include the use of incense), 3pm Stations of the Cross, 5pm Youth Mass
WEEK OF 24th March
Monday 24th March - 11am Mass
Tuesday 25th March - 11am Mass
Wednesday 26th March - Church closed
Thursday 27th March - 11am Mass
Friday 28th March - 11:30am Mass (NOTE CHANGE)
Saturday 29th March - Confessions 4.15pm to 4.50pm , 5pm Mass
Sunday 30th March - 9.15am Family Mass, 11.15am (this Family Mass celebration will include the use of incense), 3pm Stations of the Cross, 5pm Youth Mass
Fr Simon's Reflections for week of 24th March - 29th March
3rd Sunday of Lent C 2025 'The Scrutinies'
This year, every diocese is reporting significant increases in the number of adults requesting Baptism or Reception into Full Communion with the Catholic Church at Easter. Here at St Joan's, we have three Catechumens for Baptism and One Candidate for Reception. This is a moment of great joy for our parish, showing that the Holy Spirit is active in our community. As the Church intends, Adults Baptisms take place at the 'Easter Vigil in the Holy Night' and hopefully, the Community wishes to support and celebrate the 1st Mass of Easter with them.
A reminder that the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night (as the name suggests) only begins after dark; so, with Easter the weekend of 19th & 20th April, this will not be before 9pm.
For those preparing for the Sacraments this year, but especially the Adult Catechumens, these next few weeks are an intensive period of preparation. As we pray the 'Scrutines' with them, it does the community no harm to reflect on the 'continuing call to conversion' in our life, as we too prepare for our own 'renunciation of sin' and renewal of our 'Baptismal Promises'.
For simplicity's sake, we will use the 'Prayers of the Faithful' to pray the 'Scrutinies' together, and each week, they have a different focus:
• First Scrutiny: the call to a deeper conversion to the Gospel.
• Second Scrutiny: the call to recognise a sense of sin and accept a spirit of repentance, before knowing the strength of God's grace.
• Third Scrutiny: the exhortation to hold fast to Christ and love God above all else.
Reminder - Times for the Sacred Paschal Triduum:
• 8pm Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper on Maundy Thursday (17th April),
• 3pm Commemoration of the Lord's Passion on Good Friday (18th April),
• 9pm Easter Vigil in the Holy Night on Holy Saturday (19th April).