Saturday 18th January - 4:15 Confessions, 5pm Mass
Sunday 19th January - 9:15am Family Mass, 11:15am (this Family Mass celebration will include the use of incense), 5pm Youth Mass
WEEK OF 20th January
Monday 20th January - Church Closed
Tuesday 21st January - Church Closed, Rosary Group 7:30pm
Wednesday 22nd January - Church closed
Thursday 23rd January - Church OPEN 10am - 3pm
Friday 24th January - Church OPEN 10am - 3pm
Saturday 25th January - 4:15 Confessions, 5pm Mass
Sunday 26th January - 9:15am Family Mass, 11:15am (this Family Mass celebration will include the use of incense), 5pm Youth Mass
Fr Simon's Reflections for week of January 20th - January 24th
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time C Week of Prayer for the Unity of Christians (18th -25th January 2025)
There are ten 'Eucharistic Prayers' in the current edition of the Roman Missal, with No. 1 (The Roman Canon) and No. 3 usually most appropriate for use at Sunday Mass. Today, however, in this 'Week of Prayer for Christian Unity', it seems appropriate to use one of the 'Eucharistic Prayers for use in Masses for Various Needs', in particular 'The Church on the Path to Unity'.
This Sunday, as we hear the third Epiphany Gospel, 'the Wedding at Cana', it seems appropriate to take a moment to consider the Christian Life as a R.S.V.P. to a wedding. Christ's birth brought about a joyful union of humanity with God: 'The marriage of the Lamb has come, and her bride has made herself ready!'; we rejoice and exult and give God the glory! Jesus' presence at Cana raised Marriage to the dignity of a Sacrament, so for Catholics, marriage is always entered into before the Altar, so that their life-long union may be strengthened with a sacred seal in the Nuptial Blessing, making them an icon of the union of Christ and the Church.
In the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton, 12 months' notice is required for a Catholic wedding, so, if you are planning on getting married in early 2026, now is the time to make an appointment to see me, so we can map out your preparation and begin your paperwork. I am also available to meet those Catholics who have married outside of the Catholic Church (without the relevant permissions and dispensations) who might now be ready to bring their civil marriage before the altar in what is called a 'convalidation'. And I am available to meet with any Catholic who has a previous marriage who may be prayerfully discerning an application to the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal to see if there are ground for an annulment of that said previous marriage.
Brothers and sisters, God has called us out of darkness into his wonderful light, so that we may obtain the glory of Christ in heaven.
Fr. Simon.